some must have seo extensions for google chrome

Some must-have SEO extensions for google chrome

With the industry trends constantly changing so quickly, keeping up with them can be quite difficult. Having your brand show up on the top of Google Search Engine Page Results totally depends on how well you optimize your website.

A good SEO strategy is essential if you want your site to rank on Google, and the right extension can help you yield research and analysis, achieving better results. Let’s admit that each and every optimization tool is different from others, and there is nothing like a perfect tool. Some might have better technical suggestions, others have better link data, and some have better keyword data

Work faster and efficiently with these must have SEO extensions

Google Tag

The Google Tag Assistant (Legacy) by Google Chrome Extension helps you ensure that your Google tags, namely, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Adwords conversion tracking, etc., are operating correctly. It is a very effective tool for testing and debugging your execution.

Google Tag Assistant is helpful in troubleshooting and verifying Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, Analytics, Double Click, and much more. Moreover, one of the most powerful features of tag assistant is the recording which lets you validate and diagnose implementation in real-time.

To use this extension, click here

Moz Bar

Mozbar, a google chrome extension created by Moz, is an on-page optimization toolbar to hasten up the research process, especially for analyzing links. It allows users to check DA rankings, web traffic, and link information within their browser in one click.

To use this extension, click here

Similar Web

Similar Web is one of the most popular chrome extensions that help users browse and analyze statistics and strategies for any website on the Web, offering traffic and key metrics. Out of all the tools out there, it is estimated that Similar Web gives the most accurate traffic estimations compared to anyone else.

The extension will let you see what your competitors are up to and how it’s working for them. With that statistics, you will gain a useful understanding of improving your own SEO practices.

To use this extension, click here

Keywords everywhere

Keywords Everywhere help a brand determine which words and phrases are the most popular when doing keyword research. It’s an in-browser extension that will help you reduce time going back and forth from Google Keywords to your open browser page.

You just need to head on to Google and type any keyword, and this extension will display a list of related keywords and long tail keywords to add to your content. Furthermore, it provides other keyword information types, such as monthly search volume, cost per click, and Google Ads competition.

To use this extension, click here


Ubersuggest provides a great insight into keyword ranking, keyword volume, keyword CPC, backlinks, and domain authority without ever leaving the search engine result pages.

This extension will provide insights related to a specific keyword query on Google and sites like YouTube, Amazon, and much more. They also have graphs and trends that break down the monthly search volume for a particular keyword.

To use this extension, click here

SEO Qwake

SEOQuake is a detailed extension that provides an overview of your website. It offers a basic sketch of key on-page and technical optimization metrics such as header tags, metadata, sitemaps, and much more in an approachable way for better rankings.

This extension is a great way to evaluate potential link outreach partners with an accurate summary of site traffic statistics. One of the best features of this extension is its toolkit allowing users to analyze backlinks and watch keyword rank.

To use this extension, click here

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